Posts tagged sustainable
How to Have an Easy Sustainable Coronation Party.

Since the coronation isn’t exactly sustainable for the environment or for the economy right now, we’ve got some easy sustainable ideas for your celebrations. 

Leave the plastic bunting in pound land… it will exist forever, until it degrades into micro plastics and heads into the stomachs of marine creatures… instead, decorate with fabric bunting.. organic cotton is best if you’re buying, or paper that will eventually bio degrade. Or if you’re handy, cut up some old sheets and make your own. Simplest sewing project ever. 

Rather than buy plastic trays of shop bought food, support a local caterer or deli. It will have a lower carbon footprint and support a local business.  Avoid buying mountains of food. Food waste in landfill causes methane, a green house gas more than 86 times more toxic than carbon dioxide. Make a big batch of something like chilli or tagine, fresh salads and bread. Anything uneaten can be frozen for meals later in the week. Spend the money you might have spent on donating to the local food bank.

Rent partyware rather than buying loads of plastic disposable stuff. Any thing disposable causes the hugest strain on our carbon footprint. From the processing of trees and forests being felled, to the enormous production required to turn trees into paper and card for plate, the printing and dying of the paper to be turned into a decorate plate and then packaged, probably in plastic and shipped from China, only to be binned after one use, is quite frankly, an outrage and should be banned. 

Decorate your table with foliage and flowers and candles for when the sun goes down. Pick out your favourite vintage glassware.. life’s too short to leave it on the shelf.  Use your best luxury napkins. Make flower crowns and honour your self as a resplendent and powerful king or queen in your own right.

A guide to making your own multi purpose cleaning spray.

On the path to sustainable living, a few small changes around the home can go a long way.

By making your own eco friendly cleaning spray, you will cut down on the use of harsh chemicals and be one step closer to having a plastic free household. We compliment our re-usable wipes by using these few simple ingredients:

  • White vinegar

  • Purified water (Easy to do, just use freshly boiled water and allow to cool)

  • A few drops of your chosen essential oils - we use Lavender, Thyme and Rosemary - they smell beautiful, but are also antibacterial.

Fill half of your container with white vinegar and then add the same amount of purified water.

Next, add your essential oils a drop at a time until you are happy with the scent. (Remember to add and mix gradually to obtain your perfect fragrance)

Give your bottle a gentle shake before each use and use with our re-usable cleaning wipes or dish scrubbie. Spray onto surface and wipe clean.

Use with our 250ml amber glass bottle.