March meet the maker

Seeing all the #marchmeetthemaker has made me want to share my origin story again…

I came to Vesta in many ways… in someways it feels like a life long path…

I grew up in a socialist home, where we talked often about ethics and people… my mum was a community development manager and my dad a family solicitor so conversations were often political and we were encouraged to think about others..

Along side that I worked in retail always, in a shop, as an account manager developing watch and jewellery ranges for higher street brands and as a lingerie, nightwear and swimwear buyer.

I was made redundant from my buying role after I had my first baby, and got a job working for a very local but very unethical retailer, and left after 6 months or so. I had a renewed realisation that good ethics was KEY.

I started my own kids clothing company soon after and specialised in scandi and British organic cotton brands, but with brexit the profit margins weren’t enough to continue..

Fast forward two jobs, another baby some PND I decided to start another business… mainly watching blue planet in 2018 was the catalyst.

I knew I didn’t want to stand by whilst our seas and marine creatures were being so affected by our human impact of disposable plastics…

I wanted Vesta (named after the Roman goddess of hearth and home) to be a beacon of a better more sustainable way of living..

#vestaliving #vestasustainbaleliving #originstory #meetthemaker #marchmeetthemaker

Bryony Redgrave