Confessions from a reluctant cleaner

True story… when i went to university, i couldn’t understand why the bath kept getting dirtier and dirtier.. I remember thinking about how the bath at home never looked like that, but it was a blue, so I figured maybe that was the reason. Obviously my mother was cleaning it and I never saw her do it.. but when my housemates girlfriend came to visit, she pulled me aside and gave me some step by step instructions as to how to clean the bath.. I was hugely confused, i mean, i kinda thought baths were self cleaning and also, why wasn’t she telling her boyfriend about it? It was a very confusing time for a young,never cleaned a day in her life, girl from birmingham. I’d like to say, since then i never cleaned another bath in my life… but instead, the opposite is true and i clean the damn bath every goddam day.

And I like a luxury bath, with oils and salt etc, so there can be a rim of dirt… especially if the boys have been playing rugby. Not quite as bad as my uni bathroom… thanks to @claire.barley.50 for finally teaching me to clean in my second year… (tho I wish i could still fain ignorance).

Anyway, i was using harsh sprays on the bath, as my homemade sprays didn’t make the impact I needed them too.. but even the method sprays made me cough when I used them due to the harsh chemicals.. 

One day I got my bar of dish soap and rubbed the bath with it directly.. and holy Jesus, it came up sparkling. So i created our dish soap saver, which is the best thing EVER!!! Cleans the bath shower and sink and even the loo… just as well as harsh chemical cleaners, but zero health damaging chemicals and Zero plastic. Just chop off a piece of dish soap, pop it in the saver. The best thing is that if you’re a little casual about getting all the soap residue off the sides, it’s perfectly fine if some ends up in the water, as its totally natural and fine to use on the skin. 

Total winner all round, apart from all the actual cleaning…

#vestaliving #reluctantcleaner #sustainablecleaning #bath #pinkbath #toxicfreecleaning #marseillesoap #soapsaver #dishsoap #dishsoapsaver #sustainablebathroom #plasticfree #plasticfreebathroom #sustainableliving #plasticfreeliving #zerowasteliving 

Bryony Redgrave